Saturday, March 13, 2010

A blinker is a warning...

...NOT a request!!

I don't live in that large of a city. We don't have huge traffic congestion issues. Somehow despite the situation, I still occasionally encounter the odd jerk who decides that because I WARNED him that I was about to move to his lane in front of him by using my blinker, HE SPEEDS UP!!

Well, as the title indicates, a blinker is NOT a request.

On the few times that I've encountered such jerks, I've simply swerved within my lane to make it appear that I'm going to side-swipe them. They honk and slam on the brakes in their pretty new truck and leave a convenient gap in their lane. Which obviously I move into since I had my blinker on and intended on going there anyway.

It's awfully fun!

You know what's even better? Shocking the heck out of folks that have THEIR blinker on to move in front of you and actually SLOWING DOWN to let them in! Try it some time when the opportunity arises. It may actually release the tension in your trip and give you the good feeling that you helped someone else's journey home or to work be that much more pleasant!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just call me...

... "Short for Richard".

No. My name doesn't start with a D. There's no I in my name. My name doesn't end with c, k, ck or any other similar phonetic sound. My name in no way rhymes with it. My name even has two syllables! Thus the hilarity that several times at work I've been called by that name despite clearly pronouncing my real name.

So what is it about me that elicits such a designation?

I suppose in the end it's because when it comes to business and providing a service I don't care about political correctness and social niceties amongst my co-workers. I do my job. I do it right 99.9% of the time. I expect others making $30+ / hr to work with the same diligence and integrity.

If someone else has designed the service incorrectly, I'm not going to beat around the bush when it comes to getting the design fixed. I tell it how it is and point out how it needs to be in order to work properly. If that rubs their insecurities because I pointed out their mistake, that's their issue to deal with at another time, not mine.

If a customer's service is interrupted, we have procedures in place for restoring that service. When people call and want to work outside of those procedures because it may restore service a few minutes faster, I flat out refuse and explain why the procedure says to do it the way it does! (To prevent future employee caused outages due to errors in records) Then I tell them to call back when they've followed the procedure and are ready to make the necessary repair and hurry them off the phone. If it rubs them the wrong way because I asked them to do their job properly, that's their issue, not mine.

If someone calls and wants me to do something for them that they can and should do, umm, no thanks. I have other work to do. Stop being the lazy one and get to work!

Following that vein of attitude, further blogs on this page will contain politically incorrect views, ideas, statements, words and so forth. I do try to refrain from profanity, so please do the same if you feel the need to comment. Otherwise, as this is MY blog, I'll remove your comment.